PHONE: 204-233-3439
TOLL FREE: 1-877-233-2002
TEXT US AT: 204-918-4203
Email Us: duncaninvestigations@mts.net

Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers. If you have another inquiry for our experienced private investigation firm in Manitoba, please don't hesitate to contact us. The team at Duncan Investigations would be happy to provide assistance!
Q: I am considering hiring your firm to follow my spouse. Would your firm be violating the Federal Privacy Act?
A:No, the Federal Privacy Act has no jurisdiction over family private matters. They only have jurisdiction over commercial matters.
Q: We need a surveillance done immediately, as we suspect the claimant is working. Can your firm start tomorrow?
A: Yes, please provide the full details and we will have an investigator on your file tomorrow.
Q: How long will it take to generate us a report after your surveillance?
A: We will have the report sent to you immediately after our investigation.
Q: Do your investigators work weekends?
A: Yes. We are open 24 hours a day.
Q: Does an investigator sign off on the surveillance reports?
A: Yes. We ensure all reports are signed by an investigator to ensure accountability. The investigator that carries out the surveillance prepares and signs the report.
Q: Can you check motor vehicle records in Manitoba?
A: We would need the written consent of the claimant. However, we can search the VIN number without their consent.
Q: We suspect one of our employees is working at another business while he is using our company truck. Can we hire your firm to carry out a surveillance on him? Would we be violating his privacy?
A: Yes, you can hire our firm in this case. There is no commercial activity associated with hiring a private investigator to collect video evidence because the evidence we are collecting is carried out for the purposes to build a case for a legal matter, and therefore we would not be violating the Federal Privacy Legislation. Furthermore, we would not be violating his privacy because there is no reasonable expectation of privacy when we are carrying out a surveillance in the public.
Q: We suspect that our employee is abusing the worker's compensation benefit program. Can we hire your firm to conduct a surveillance?
A: Yes, if you have reasonable grounds of program abuse, we can carry out a surveillance in the public where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.
Q: Can you put a GPS tracker on my spouse’s vehicle?
A: We can put a GPS tracker on your spouse’s vehicle providing that you are the registered owner of the vehicle.
Q: I suspect my partner is having an affair. What are the tell-tale signs?
A: There are many tell-tale signs, but we have found the best indicator is a drastic decrease in sexual activity or intimacy in your relationship. Other tell-tale signs are a change in behavior, improved hygiene, withdrawal from the relationship or spending discreet time texting.
Q: If you find out my spouse is having an affair, will this have any impact on my financial divorce settlement?
A: No, if we find evidence your spouse is having an extra-marital affair, this evidence will have no impact on any future legal proceedings with respect to the division of marital property, custody issues or spousal support. We generally provide this service when your spouse denies he/she is having an affair. If we find evidence your spouse is having an extra-marital affair, it will provide you with some closure and peace of mind.
Q: Can you follow my spouse if she filed a protection order against me? I suspect that she is having affair. We are now separated.
A: If your Protection Order has a provision that you cannot communicate with her indirectly, we cannot follow her. We generally do not get involved when there is any Protection Order. However, you can apply to have the Protection Order set aside. We will only get involved in these cases when we are hired by your legal counsel when they require evidence for court purposes. You do not need to prove adultery in order to be granted a divorce.
Q: Do I need to prove adultery in order to get a divorce granted?
A: No. A divorce can be granted in Canada if you and your spouse have been living separate and apart for one year or more, if one spouse committed adultery, or mental and physical cruelty.
Q: We have problems with an employee in our organization and we suspect that he is selling inventory and pocketing the cash during his shift. Can we install hidden video cameras and hire you to conduct an undercover operation? Would this evidence be privileged and confidential?
A: You can install hidden video cameras in your organization, but you must provide notice to your employees of your intent in advance. Your employees must have knowledge of the hidden video cameras. If you are using your cameras to deter and prevent theft, it is very important that you have policies and procedures in place that clearly state the purpose of use of the cameras. In answer to your second question, the onus is on the investigator to identify the purpose of the investigation. If the investigation is to provide evidence in anticipation of a legal proceeding, our evidence filed in our report would be protected under a litigation privilege and we would clearly communicate this in our report to you.
Q: What type of workplace investigations does your firm carry out?
A: We investigate theft, abuse issues, safety issues concerning hostile employees, harassment complaints, threats and regulatory violations.
Q: I am giving my ex several thousands of dollars per month for spousal support. I believe she is living in a common-law relationship. Can you help me and what do I need to prove?
A: Absolutely. You need evidence that she is living in a common-law relationship with the person. It would also be important to establish that they are out in the public as a couple and that the person that your ex is living with is supporting her financially. Once we gathered our evidence, the investigator would swear an Affidavit on your behalf and attach the evidence as exhibits in support of a Motion to Vary.
Q: I suspect ex-spouse is working while I am paying her spousal support. Can you determine if she is working? What is the information that you require from me?
A: Yes, we can conduct a surveillance on her in the early morning. We will require her name, address, make, model and license plate number of her vehicle. We would also require a photo of her in order to be able to prove to the courts in an Affidavit that we can identify her. Once we obtain the evidence, your lawyer can draft an affidavit in support of a Motion.
Q: We need your assistance on behalf of our client in order to settle an estate. We would like your assistance to locate a witness that signed a will in the late 70s. We have her full name and occupation at the time. If you are unable to locate her, your report will be sufficient to enable us to probate the Will on the basis that our client has used reasonable efforts to undertake a search. Kindly advise as to the length of time this process will take. Best regards! Law firm x
A: Thank you for the assignment. It generally takes about one week to locate a witness. We will keep you informed as we progress in the investigation.
Q: We used your service before and were very pleased with the results. We are in another dilemma. We have tenants that damaged our home and skipped out on their rent and we need to find them. How can you help us?
A: We will locate the tenants for you first, so you can file a claim with the Residential Tenancies Board in order to have your tenants personally served for the hearing. Forward me the details. Thank you.
Q: My father passed away and we are trying to look for some beneficiaries in Winnipeg so my lawyer can probate the will? I have the beneficiaries' full name. How long will it take? I believe the mother and son could still be living in Winnipeg?
A: Thank you. It will take about three days to locate them. We will keep you apprised in our investigation.
Q: I need to find my ex in order to serve him with a Petition for Divorce. How much does it cost?
A: We would need the party’s full name, date of birth and last known address or province, providing you have the latter particulars. We would provide a quote by email to you.
Q: What sets you apart from your competitors?
A: We are experienced, affordable and we deliver results.
Q: How long would it take to search our computer for pornography?
A: A search of a 500GB hard drive with more than 70,000 images takes only about two hours.
Q: Can you retrieve deleted pornographic material from a computer?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you check my spouse’s deleted texts without her knowledge?
A: We can check her phone if you have ownership of the phone and it is registered in your name and/or if he/she consents in writing to our investigation.
Q: I have met someone online and I have red flags about him. He will not disclose his phone number or address. I am flying to meet him in the near future and would like a background investigation on him.
A: If he is not willing to disclose his personal details to you, do not waste your money on him and do not fly to meet him.
Q: I was born and adopted in Manitoba. I am interested in finding my birth parents. What is the process?
A: If you are of legal age in Manitoba, your birth records are now open in Manitoba, providing that your birth parents have not filed a veto. You can go to the following link at: https://www.gov.mb.ca/fs/childfam/pubs/application... Once you determined the names of your birth parents, and if you are unable to locate them yourself, we will locate them for you.
Q: Can we monitor an employee’s email? We own the computers. We suspect that he is leaking information to a competitor.
A: Before you monitor your employee’s email, you should have a clear written policy in place so that your employees have knowledge of your intent to monitor their email.
Q: Can I monitor my spouse’s email without his knowledge, if I own the computer?
A: Yes, if you own the computer, you can monitor his email without his knowledge.
Q: I am going out of town on business and I suspect that my wife is having an affair with my best friend. Can you install a hidden camera in my home?
A: We can install a hidden camera in your home, providing that you are the sole registered owner of the home. We could monitor her by means of surveillance and obtain video evidence to ascertain if your best friend is entering the home.